Client case studies
While we pride ourselves in the people that work for us, we also have the pleasure of working alongside some great partners and clients. We’ve collaborated with clients in both the public and private sectors, all who come from a diverse range of industries.

Town of Canmore
Tantus has worked with the Town to review its IT operations and conduct an initial health check for the organization; develop a large scale corporate technology strategy to guide 10 years of investment and planning; develop requirements and process documentation to support recreation software replacement; and develop requirements and process documentation to support fire management software replacement.

Strathcona County
Tantus has worked with the county on a range of initiatives, including supporting an organization-wide review, supporting a long-term collaboration opportunity with a neighboring municipality, conducting a review of roles and responsibilities of two overlapping departments, and supporting GPS/AVL planning, implementation and ongoing data analysis.

Merit Contractors Association
Tantus has supported Merit Contractors Association through a multi-year replacement of its core benefits administration system. Tantus has provided a business case to determine potential alternatives for system replacement, as well as continued supports for system implementation including project management, project planning, business analysis and data conversion supports.

Service Alberta
Tantus is currently engaged with Service Alberta to develop enterprise machine learning standards. In the past years, Tantus has been retained to support Service Alberta to plan the technology and operational updates required to enable a mobile government workforce; procurement support to establish a new application maintenance vendor; the development of a governance framework for the renewal of the core government ERP system; the assessment of options for online portal registry service delivery; a review of its registry funding model; and the development of a toolkit to support online service transition to support internal advocacy efforts to other provincial ministries.

NorQuest College
Tantus is currently working with NorQuest College to evolve its Business Intelligence and Data Management practices, as well as provide Data Architecture services. In the past, we have also supported the organization with the development of CRM requirements to support procurement.

PCL Construction
Tantus has a long-standing relationship with PCL Construction, and has been a vendor of choice for the organization, working on a range of critical initiatives including implementation supports for an enterprise project management application, learning management system, a recruiting portal, and human resources package, as well as providing data integration support and intranet design work.

Canadian Western Bank
Tantus has worked with Canadian Western Bank across nearly all of its core IT and business functions, including implementation of its core banking system; sustainment process development, data analytics services provision, data warehousing and business intelligence supports; DataMart readiness supports; mortgage backed securities supports; and development of IT strategic measures

Alberta Justice and Solicitor General
Tantus has worked with Alberta Justice and Solicitor General on a range of initiatives including providing offender management system implementation supports; video visitation integration support; innovative offender management program supports; and traffic court reform assessment and planning.