PCL Construction
Project Summary
Tantus has a long-standing relationship with PCL Construction, and has been a vendor of choice for the organization, working on a range of critical technology systems that allow the organization to greatly improve its project management and the efficiency of its operations. Tantus has supported the implementation of several large-scale system implementations, providing business analysis, project management and testing supports. These initiatives include an enterprise project management application, Learning Management system, and Human Resources Package Implementation. Tantus has also supported work on a Skilled Craft Recruiting Portal, data integration support and intranet design work.
Services Provided
Business Analysis
Technology Architecture
Data Management
RFP for marketing solution
Business requirements developed for Learning Management System
Enterprise project management application deployment
Other Construction Experience
We have worked with a number of other constuction organizations. Some of those include:
Shell Scotford: Scheduling System Implementation supports
Christenson Developments: Business Model Review and Planning
Canada Green Building Council: Alberta Chapter Strategic Planning Support
McGregor Construction: Database Review and Development support
M.A.P. Group of Companies: ERP procurement support