Tantus Presents at Corrections Technology Conference in Adelaide, South Australia
Lyne Eaker, Managing Principal of Tantus’s Justice and Enforcement Practice, was a co-presenter at the recently held ICPA Corrections Technology Conference in Adelaide, South Australia. The conference gave the public sector, private sector, academics, and NGOs from across Australia and internationally the opportunity to share insights, new developments, and projects where innovative digital solutions are used to help Corrections to address issues facing prisons and probation today. With presenters from Correctional Services and Justice Technology Services, Government of the State of South Australia as well as Jitterbit, Lyne spoke to the challenges of replacing legacy bespoke solutions with COTS applications and best practices to leverage new technology to achieve a robust integration framework between Justice agencies that ensures effective information sharing that is so critical in a corrections and justice setting. Glenn De Roy, CEO of Tantus, attended the conference and was able to share experiences of the exciting and important work Tantus is doing with corrections agencies in North America and Australia with other delegates at the conference. Participation in the conference is part of an ongoing commitment and investment Tantus is making to ensure we remain current and committed to the corrections industry around the world.